
Supra Sex and the Creative Urge After 50

, An excerpt from an interview by Miriam Knight of New Consciousness Review with Barbara Marx Hubbard about her book, Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity’s Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution.

BMH: I call the creative yearning to express unique potential, supra sex. It’s the rise of sexuality into supra sexual creativity. I am 82 years old and I ask myself sometimes, “What got into you Barbara? There’s nobody asking you to do this; there’s nobody requiring you to go tell the story of the birth Supra Lime Green of universal humanity. What is this!?”

Why are you doing what you are doing? Maybe you have an impulse of evolution that you can’t resist. You probably have vocational arousal just like I do. Is that true?

MK: Absolutely. Of course I don’t know about supra-sex…

BMH: So part of the energy that is joining us is the same type of energy that joins us to reproduce the species up to maximum. And now with over 7 billion people - we can’t go on! Supra Lime Green The energy on a bio evolutionary level has to shift from reproduction to self evolution, from procreation toward co-creation. I find that, particularly in women, younger women and women over 50, 60, 70, 80, that we are being vitalized by a creative energy that is, in my experience, greater then anything I have ever felt before.

MK: You know it’s interesting I interviewed two people recently who talk about cancer as being the result of thwarted creativity, and we’ve seen an explosion of the epidemic of cancer in our society.

BMH: Well I’ve had that exact experience. When I was 50 I had this little inner voice that said, “would you like to die?” and I said no. And then I got “would you like to get cancer or would you like to regenerate?” Cancer is the body’s panicked effort to grow without a plan. And re-generation is when you re-orient that cancerous capability, which is amazing, towards a greater design.

So I did not think too much about it until about 6-7 years ago. I was diagnosed Supra Lime Green with chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, which is not a fatal Leukemia but it’s a kind where the white cells are abnormal and they are proliferating abnormally. So I decided to test out this theory that cancer is the body’s panicked effort to grow without a plan. And I realized at the time that I wasn’t able to fully understand my own vocation. I didn\'t know exactly how to express myself. And because it is such a strong impulse in me I began to ask my white blood cells if they could move towards regeneration. Then I took a very deep inner journey of identifying the impulse of growth within me, and where it was guiding me both on the personal level and the social level. And what’s happened is that I had a blood test recently and the white blood cells seem to be completely normal. And my energy at 82 has become so outstanding to me that I noticed -- I don’t want to use the word regeneration, but it is definitely a new phase in my life cycle. I have checked this out with many women and here is the clue: when a women falls in love with the expression of her own essence, her own creativity, and feels she needs to give that for the good of the self and the whole, she begins to gain vitality. When you completely say yes! to your life purpose, your soul’s code, your essential self-creative expression, and you take the actions that come out of that yes!, then nature starts to revitalize you. I have coined a new word for that one too, and it is called “regenopause.”